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Nepal Adventures

From the city to the mountains, we had an unforgettable time!

Our Nepal Adventure

Intro to Kathmandu

Mountains on the flight in was only but the the start of our amazing mountain journey.

Visa on arrival was very easy for us at the airport when we landed. We paid for 3 months (USD $125 each) and proceeded to the exit into absolute taxi caos. Everyone asking you “Where are you from, where are you going, which hotel? Saying ''I can take you’’ while trying to take you bags! Its overwhelming so I proceeded to sit on our luggage while Jerome organized our sim card and data.

Landing at the Nepal airport, Kathmandu

 We took a taxi to our hotel which was located in an alleyway deep into the maze. The taxi driver smiles and says your hotel is just down there and wishes us well. We walk with our bags further away from the city noises following the narrow corridors. Finally finding our hotel, we decided to just chill out, unpack and regroup.  After some time in the city exploring all the shops and attractions such as Duran Square in the old town, with children running through the mass dove congregation. A sense of festivity and joy was felt around every corner of the streets. It was very crowded and colorful.

Experiencing Themal city in Kathmandu.

We decided to do a 2 day couch surfing experience in the rural mountains of Bhotechaur. This was a very eye opening experience for us living in the lives of the people here. During the days we helped collect grass for the 3 goats and pregnant buffalo cow. We played with the children and helped them with homework. The family of 5 welcomed us to stay in their tiny home. All they had to offer us was one single bed that Jerome and I embraced. They would cook on the most amazing clay stove fuled by a small fire. We stayed up late telling each other about our lives and experiences. It was truly something we will never forget. 

Our couchsurfing host waiting with us at the bus stop.

We caught the public transport bus back to Kathmandu which cost us R25 (USD $3) for a 5 hour trip. There were about 20 seats on the bus but that didn’t mean a thing. We squeezed about 60 people onto this bus with youngsters on the roof. We shared our trip with livestock and many friendly faces. Jerome having to stand most of the way as women were given seats. It was like being on a old Bollywood movie scene where the bus is bumping around with loud flute music that flows through cracking speakers and colourful decorations swinging about while you look at the beautiful mountains out the window. 

A very interesting bus ride.

Our next trip was Pokhara which was another 7 hour bus ride away. This time we decided we would take the Tourist Bus. Here everyone had their seat and we would stop multiple times for the restroom and once for a buffet lunch. Once in Pokhara living near the Lake, we went to the attractions here such as Davi's Falls and the Gupeshwor Mahadev Cave. Basically you have a very powerful rapid waterfall that swirls into a water tunnel that runs for 150 meter, about 30 meters underground and through the Cave on the other side of the road. Its a very interesting geological attraction. The name come from a Swiss lady named Davi who fell down the waterfall. Her body was discovered 3 days later. This happened in 1961 and so the named the waterfall after her.

We spent most of our time in Pokhara. We enjoyed the atmosphere and enjoyed being out of the city. With the lake and the mountains, we found a sense of peace here.  Austrailan Base Camp was our biggest highlight of Nepal. We packed a small bag and took a bus to Phedi where we hiked up to Austrailian Base Camp which was 2050 meter above sea level where we slept on a cliff in a tent. The hike started with a black dog who basically showed us most of the way. He was a special little dog. He suddenly stopped and was staring into the forest. As i look up we spot monkeys jumping from branch to branch across our pathway.

We hike up stairs through the lush bush, through rice fields and rural villages. It was amazing to feel the temperature change the higher you climb.  We arrived at the top in a white obis, We were in the clouds. Looking off the cliff you almost get disorientated by the depth of the fog. We had a very cold shower and ate some dinner before settling in by the camp fire.

In the clouds as we arrive at Australian Base Camp

I wanted to wake up early for the sunrise. I woke up before my alarm even went off and unzipped the tent. I squealed and vigorously tapped Jerome awake. The Annapurna Mountain Range with snowy capped mountains and a soft orange sunrise to our right. Its really difficult to put into words what we were feeling. We drank tea and took pictures and danced around while pretending to stretch out our legs from the day before. 

A morning to remember, 2050m, sunrise, and a spectacular view.

Our hike down was smooth and much faster as we didn’t want to miss the bus going back and didn’t know what time it would arrive. There was a big tourist group that zoomed passed us early on the hike. Later we past them as they had stopped for a break. Just before reaching the bottom they had passed us again. We all met at the bottom waiting eagerly for the bus. They all looked at Jerome and I as we waved down the green local bus and basically hopped on as it rolled past us. They were obviously waiting for a different bus. 

Annapurna mountain range.

We started a 30 day running challenge and kept to it. We ran 3km everyday for 30 days. We would run around part of the Few Lake and earn our breakfast which cost R20 (USD $1.5) each- including a coffee. Here we made friends with the owners of the restaurant and their adorable son who was 2 and a half. There was a dog there that we also befriended and she would always walk us halfway home. I really connected with her. I fell involve with the animals around the lake. Weather it be the cows that I would feed bananas to or the dogs that would get scratches and rubs. We settled well into the town and had a lot of fun during our time here. 

Fuli restaurant with our Nepalese friends and the sweet dog.

As our time was running out in Pokhara we had our last hike. It was a day hike to a viewpoint over the city on the one side and the lake on the other. We saw the most beautiful blue butterfly that had me dreaming. We also decided to take a boat out onto the lake during a pretty pink sunset. That was the last time I saw my dog friend. I kissed her on the head just before climbing onto the boat. When we had returned she had obviously run off and the next morning we took a buss back to the city.

Our bus ride was so beautiful as we followed the river upstream most of the way. We arrived in Kathmandu, Themal for our last 2 days before leaving. The Festival of Lights was near approaching and the streets were busy and festive.

We walked through the streets of kathmandu and all around us just hoards of people, everywhere you look. Odette was in front of me- we were being pushed and pushing people just to squeeze our way between people and stationary bikes. Someone behind me places his hands on my hips and starts to push. Odette has some lady with her hands on Odettes shoulders. We all squeezing amongst people and finally made it through the crowd. I was so panicked, this was crazy and so overwhelming. I look at Odette and she is literally laughing. There is nothing you can do, just go with the flow. Later during the day Odette and I were chatting. She thought that I had my hands on her shoulders moving through the crowd. Memorable last day in Nepal. Another amazing country explored and more amazing memories and friends made. We are off to the next adventure and very excited for a possible white Christmas. 

Our favorite memory, the morning at Australian Base Camp.

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